Do Not Pass Him by

The Lord recently told me to spend one hour of each day alone with Him for the rest of my life. Wow! “What a challenge, Lord,” I thought to myself. But, I decided that it would be worth it! I have to tell you, it was hard at first, but the more I spent time with Him the more I wanted to. I realized that every morning, I would think of the the appointed hour I would spend time with Jesus. My mind changed from, “I’ll just go about my routine and see what happens,” to, “I will not let this day go by without making time for Jesus.”

Recently, a day went by when I didn’t set aside that hour to spend with Jesus, and instead let the busyness of the day get to me. I realize that as I didn’t spend time with Jesus that day that I had a negative attitude and had crazy thoughts. One of the thoughts that came to mind was, “This Spring Break, I’m going to just relax and maybe not even care about spending time with the Lord every single day.” As I think back on that day, I realize how sad I was and how much I truly NEED Jesus! I cried out to Jesus with all I had the next day with sorrow in my heart. I asked Him to purge my heart and remove every evil thing inside of me.

Then I asked Him something I’ve never asked Him before; I said, “Do not pass me by, Lord! Please, do not pass me by!” And Jesus responded back quickly and said, “I will never pass you by…..just don’t pass me by.”A clear vision came to me of Jesus standing there in the middle of the room watching my every move with His arms open. He was waiting for intimacy with me. I saw myself passing Him by in the busyness of the day and not even stopping to look into His beautiful face. Not even a moment to walk into His warm embrace!

My next request to the Lord was, “Lord, let me never pass you by!” Not only did I ask Him that, but I committed to spend every single day with Him! Its not His responsibility to spend time with me, it is my responsibility to accept His open invitation to sup and dine with Him. As I got into that place of intimacy with Jesus, I began to just worship Him and you know what? It was the best time I’ve ever had in my life! I began to think clearly and I had peace of mind and joy in my heart, because I decided to make Him my priority!

Can you imagine Jesus right there in the middle of the room, waiting for you to meet with Him? Yet, you go about your busy day just passing Him by. Why do we let the most important time of the day slip us by? Why do we pass up the most important relationship by for things that will fade away?

He is our only NEED! He is always there offering you His love and His guidance. How can you better deal with problems? His presence! His word! How can you be free from your past? Jesus’ presence! His presence has the power to transfrom and restore! How can you find grace, peace, joy, satisfaction? Jesus!  Sex will not do it. A spouse or any other person will not do it! Job security will not do it. Shopping or material things will not do it. Money will definitely not do it. Theology or knowledge will not do it! NOTHING but Jesus!He is more than enough and there is none like Him!

We need Him more than ever before! Time is short and we don’t have time to pass Him by! The hour is drawing near when His true worshippers will arise and He will come quickly! We must come back to our first love!  RETURN to Your first love!

He says to you, “My love, I wil never pass you by!” So, dear children of God, please do not pass Him by!

About hisprincesswarrior

Writing blogs is one of my favorite things, of course, when I make time for it! Sometimes life and busyness can get trying and hectic at times! But that won't stop me from sharing what I know and my experiences and revelations! My passion is to see Warriors of Christ rise up with passion and freedom, and never care what people say or think about them! I love worship and warfare! I am a nurse. I am married and my hubby of 17 years!!! We have two loving cats! I absolutely love to inspire and encourage anyone who is willing to listen or read! There is no doubt that I was meant to be His Princess Warrior during such a time as this! Calling all warriors!!!!! Feel free to leave comments and share! Take care!
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